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30 Tips for Great Digital Marketing









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-13 18:17:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
User experiences: The type of emotions your customers feelwhen interacting with your brand. Contact points. In addition, the followingphases can be defined in a Customer Journey Map: Objectives: the objectives tobe achieved must always be clear. However, the objective of a Customer JourneyMap is not so much a sale as the development or the customer trajectory withyour brand. Identify the customer: A crucial step to design a good CustomerJourney Map. You must specify in which client the map will be focus sinceaccording to the user, the path will change completely. Therefore, create aspecific user profile. For this, tools such as the Buyer Persona or the EmpathyMap of the client will be especially useful.

Stages of the journey: You must specify which stages WhatsApp Mobile Number List relatedto the product or service you´re going to analyze. Some of the phases that youmust take into account are: First contact: How did you find it? Guidance: Howcan you evaluate your product or service? Interaction: What is your objective?What does he want? Retain: What can you do to make the client stay? Expansion:What do you do so that the client speaks to other users of your brand? Needsand activities: It enumerates the activities that the customer carries out ineach stage of your map and thus you will also find out what are the needs andmotivations in each one of them.

This is essential because it will help your company tointerpret and understand your clients better, and thus know what movements youshould do or what options to take to improve your experience. Contact points:Once all the stages of the map have been defined, it is also important tospecify which are the points where interaction will take place, that is, the“touchpoints” where the user get in contact with your business. Each journeywill be different. That is why you should think openly to have a global vision.The way to contact the company can vary, since it can be in a personal,physical way, by email, through a mobile app, etc. In each of the points ofcontact the customer’s feelings can be: Positive. Neutral. Negative.


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