Advertising can also help expand market share , increase customer loyalty , and build a strong brand image .digital marketing strategyIllustration by MonstreaHere are some examples of the most effective advertising campaigns in digital marketing strategies:Google Ads advertising campaignsGoogle Ads ads allow brands or products to display their ads in Google search results relevant to selected keywords .For example, when someone searches for “hotels in Bali” , advertisements from hotels that have Google Ads advertising campaigns relevant to that keyword will appear on the Google search results page.
Facebook Facebook advertising campaignsallow brands to target users based Belgium Mobile Number List on interests, demographics, and behavior .In a Facebook ad campaign, brands can create video ads, images , or both to showcase their products/services., which is owned by Facebook, is a platform that focuses on images and videos.Instagram ad campaigns allow brands to create engaging and creative ads that showcase products or services.Examples of the Most Successful Digital Marketing Strategiesexamples of digital marketing .[size=14.6667px]
StrategiesPhoto by Tania Mousinho (Unsplash)To better understand the importance of digital marketing strategies for your business, we have summarized x real success stories from this method.After reading these examples of the best digital marketing strategies, you will definitely feel more inspired:1. Old Spice, “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”In 2010, the Old Spice brand launched a highly successful digital campaign with the advertising video “ The Man Your Man Could Smell Like ”.This ad features former NFL player, Isaiah Mustafa, promoting Old Spice products in a humorous and entertaining style.